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    49 Audio Reviews w/ Response

    All 90 Reviews

    Not bad

    Someone that is bang on in his review. devasionrecords review is so true. On ng this may be one of the top songs. Leaving NG land, this song would be at the bottom. Same goes for your gravity song. Not being mean. Just stating the facts. No originality in this song or the gravity one.. Your lead instrument in the quiet parts sound so random and not well constructed. I like the pad sounds. I don't vote so it is not me lowering your score!

    See yah

    EOT responds:

    Yeah, I know. When I f.eks like listen to "nitrous oxide", "gouriella" and "flutlich", I'm like, wow! My songs can't even be compared to the pro songs, but somewhere I'll need to start, right?:P

    I think there is something unknown here.

    I don't think you know what original means from your response to g4ebguyGT review.

    Not trying to be mean. I'm just saying. Not my type of music but it was decent. I don't vote so your score won't drop okay?

    See yah

    b0b3rt responds:

    Original.. as in, it's not a remix or a remake of anything. There's a very limited number of chord progressions, so some are obviously going to get used multiple times.


    Good lyrics. Your voice is a bit loud though. Don't like the screams. :(

    Umm, the beat is very similar to the song used in "Redbull BC ONCE" 2005 break dancing song. Are you sure cornandbeans made the beat? Its a nice beat uh not original. The lyrics are original. Have not played castle crashers. Is it out yet?
    See yah

    Lone-X responds:

    its out for the xbox 360 and one of the creators of it is Tom Fulp. The guy who owns newgrounds.

    Experimental of what?

    It is easy to make a song that is completely random and out of play. I guess your right in putting this in miscellaneous, but I would never listen to this kind of music. However, it could work in some messed up resident evil scene. The thing I find ordered is maybe your panning. Maybe you intentially put clip distortion on one of the instruments? There is one benefit with making this song. You now have a lot of fx to chose from since the more screwed up the fx the better it sounds. Maybe implement some of these sounds in your next song that is much more organized, much less dissonant, and nice beat. At least you had fun making this. 10/10 review? Sorry dude, Not on this one. 4/10 review.

    Deathkavaderva responds:

    Experimental of what? Experimenting with my new plugin and various effects. Yes all the effects were intentional (well, over about 95%). Good to get review that is both critical and helpful sorry to say unlike these gentlemen (who were nevertheless encouraging). This wasn't completely random-- I'm reasonably sure I had some kind of plan but I don't remember...
    ...Anyway thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to implement some of this type of effects in the future in a way "that is much more organized, much less dissonant, and nice beat."
    The most rewarding thing about making this was watching peoples' faces when I played it to them, that was fun. Anyway thanks.

    Might as well review what you think is your best

    electronic song that is...
    I think you have way too much distortion....no you do have too much. It's either that or your cutoff dial is screaming to the max. The intro was just too messy. I did notice the panning of the percussion so that I commend you on. Okay so you got the kick the nice bass, but fix those higher frequency instruments.

    At 2:23 let the randomness come in. Prior to that point the flow of the song was decent, but this part just sounds like you mashed the key as fast as you can randomly. I never did like gabber.

    Meh, everything just seems not well composed. I understand the numerous melodies going which increases the difficulty in making the song, but you have to make the melodies match well together. This looks like an old song of yours so you probably fixed up on your mistakes. Your ambient stuff sounds more ordered. I'll have to hear your recent electronic stuff to see what you still need to improve on. No hard feelings on the score I hope. See yah.

    Deathkavaderva responds:

    I did the massive screaming distortion on purpose cause I was like "YEAH!" And that fast section a similar reason (mashed the key as fast as I could huh? Wanna bet!?:). I know I should probably try for more order and less crazy shit to relate to the listener a bit better. I'm just very experimental is all. I also have an electronic piece under construction right now too but judging from this review you'll HATE it-- it could not possibly be breaking any more rules. Hope to see you later.
    PS. No, and no hard feelings on the score either. Thanks for the review.

    Yes another garage band user

    Hey that's how most mac users started out including me. Bunch of loops strung together makes a easy piece to make. Only problem is somehow you actually made a perfectly mastered prerecorded loop distorted. Why? Well you made a decent loop fest, but I think you could have done way better at what loops to combine. How about for your future songs you actually compose something? Get a midi keyboard and let your inspiration take off instead of this gb looping in all your songs....or at least the ones I took a listen too. Macs are good. Since first time reviewing you I will be easy and give you a generous 7/10 review. See yah.

    yokomeso responds:

    Ya, I can see where u r coming from, plus im not really a DJ and I doubt I will ever get the supplies to become a techno DJ masta, but these songs I made up are just my WannaBe DJ screamin; out there. Loops or not, thanks for da Commet!

    I am going to be nice here

    Since this is your first time using FL I will go easy on this review. Your right about the rhythm cause everyone knows that pattern. My tip to you is to get rid of the oscillator. Your first time doing that so I'll let it go but your next song hopefully will not have that annoying oscillator running. Some dancy drums which are good but you could at least change the drums later in the song. I like the heaven sound at 49 seconds in. Put some massive fat on it to truly make it heavenly if that made sense to you. Oh and more reverb on the sounds. Feels empty without reverb. I will grade you a 9/10 but that's because this was your first time using FL. I'll be much more critical in my next review to you. Your on the right track though so keep going. See yah.

    pn-theman responds:

    Cheers some helpful info there ill do wat i can for the next song

    Your best so far

    Hey that is a nice flute. Probably generic and did you buy the garage band drum pack? If so which one? The classical pack, remix pack, ethnic pack, or whatever the last one is called? Anyway the drums worked and though they are prerecorded seriously who really makes their drums from scratch? Maybe the clapping or techno simple bass drum beat, but most people just download them or use prerecorded ones so I can't complain. Still missing the good harmonies. Too empty song still. I'm waiting for the splashes of white noise, filter modulations, etc. but instead I got a classical like song with very minor techno parts. Unique I give you that so a 8/10. You will eventually get a 10 from me. Your getting better so that is a good sign. See yah.

    FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

    Getting better is a good sign, I agree. But The reason I'm using garageband is because I am really a begginner when it comes to all this stuff. But I'm getting REALLY good program FOR CHRISTMAS!! YAY.

    Okay I'll review some of your better stuff

    I think this song is cute. I do recognize some of the garage band instrument but that program is so limiting I can't blame you for using these generic instruments. Some prerecorded drum loops including that techno one you used. At least some of the composition you made so yes you are on the right track. For a title called "The final countdown" I was expecting something more serious. I picture myself playing one of those old sega games like "the lost vikings" . That game has a lot of this spacy quirky music. I like the drums but everything else just makes me confused. I will give you a nice 7/10 review. See yah.

    FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

    Ok, you got me. ^__^ I do use SOME pre-set loops. But I change their notes around. (Really) And I equalize them, AND I even make my own and set them in different synthezisers that I made my self. So It's harder than it looks.)

    Hello ppl. Listen to my garbage. :o When I actually have some.

    Joined on 3/30/07

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